Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kill All the Lawyers

It was Shakespeare in Henry VI who famously wrote, “The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers.” If the Bard were to pen those words today, Homeland Security would whisk him away to an unknown location for an indeterminate length of time.

Actually, I am a reasonable man with copious amounts of compassion. I would prefer to say: “First we give them 30 days to resign their positions. If they fail to do this, we kill all the lawyers serving more than two terms in Congress…and all lobbyists.” That would cull the herd of vandals.

Congress and the Administration is stealing our money and spending us into poverty. They do so with impunity.

The Central Bank of Libya received 73 loans from the U. S. Federal Reserve in the 18 months after Lehman Brothers collapsed. While creditworthy small businesses here at home could not secure affordable loans ( thus stifling job growth) Libya was provided tens of billions of dollars in credit.

Since 2008, we have lost 2 million private sector jobs. A week ago, the total public debt outstanding of the United States was $14.2 trillion or 96.3% of GDP. That ranked 12th worst in the world. Yet, DC politicians of both parties refuse to make the spending cuts vital to the national security of our nation. At what point do we accept that their actions represent treason?


  1. It's amazing that the republican leadership simply will not engage on this issue. Bless the Tea Party!

  2. Treason is right! They are so far beyond deserving of the benefit of the doubt.
